Business Contract Hire

How Business Contract Hire Works

Select a new Land Rover model of your choice, estimate your yearly mileage*, and decide on an initial payment and preferred contract duration (ranging from 24 to 60 months). You also have the option to include an additional package covering maintenance, routine servicing, and repairs**. Your rental payments are then computed, factoring in these elements. Upon approval, Jaguar Land Rover Contract Hire purchases the chosen vehicle and leases it back to you. Depending on your tax status and whether the vehicle is used for business purposes, you might be eligible to reclaim the VAT.

At the culmination of the lease term, you return the vehicle. As long as the vehicle's condition aligns with the BVRLA fair wear and tear guidelines and the agreed-upon mileage hasn't been exceeded, there will be no further charges. However, if the vehicle falls short of the mileage and condition requirements, additional fees will be applicable. You can then select your next Land Rover, and pending your credit application and status assessment, initiate a new lease***.


To discuss a Business Contract Hire and see if it is the best option for you, contact our expert team.

The End Of Your Agreement

All you have to do is get the vehicle back to us as you will have nothing further to pay, providing the vehicle is in the appropriate condition and has not exceeded the agreed mileage. This brings the opportunity to renew your contract hire with the latest models, maintaining the image of you and your business.


Reclaiming VAT

Business Contract Hire is available for new vehicles and only to business customers which means you may be able to reclaim 100% of VAT on optional maintenance, servicing and repair package costs and 50% of rentals (assuming a mix of private and business use).

What else do I need to know?

Terms & Conditions