4 Wheel Alignment

All new cars leave the factory with the steering and suspension correctly aligned. Over a period of time due to uneven road surfaces, potholes and speed bumps, this alignment can be knocked out of line. If the wheels on your vehicle are not aligned correctly this can cause a few different problems and although there is no set interval for a wheel alignment check, it is best to have the alignment tested.

Once the alignment is incorrect, your vehicle and it’s driveability may suffer from the following symptoms.

Uneven / premature tyre wear
Pulling to one side
General stability and handling concerns
Steering wheel out of alignment
It’s advisable during the life of the car to check the geometry periodically.

How do we test alignment?

Our technicians will do a visual check which will identify any potential concerns with wear and tear, then if necessary, using our state of the art alignment equipment, we can check the tracking, castor and camber of your vehicle and will make the necessary adjustments to correct them.

When the steering system is correctly aligned, you will find;

  • Prolonged life of the tyres with a reduction in uneven tyre wear
  • Potential improvement in fuel economy
  • Improved handling and general stability